
Lose Your Head Just For Your Heart

It is almost the end of the quarter. Finals are next week and I am not stressing too much. Things have been good lately and I have actually been mostly happy for the first time since probably september. Things are just better now and I have overcome so much. At some point I didn't think I would, so it is a good thing. My hair is now partially purple as well. I like it a lot. I don't really know what else to say because I feel like I would always ramble about some guy when I would write in here just because I needed to get it out somewhere. I guess people write to get out their emotions and I mostly wrote to relieve stress and sometimes annoyance, although I do sometimes like to write when things are going really well for me too. Just strong emotion is a better way to describe it.

Looking forward to being home for a little while. Until next time. Ciao!

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