
You've Got Me Screaming At The Top Of My Lungss

I'm gonna be on one of these in 4 days!! Going back to L.A. and i couldn't be more excited!! The weather is supposed to be nice and i can't wait. In other news, last thursday was a very bad night for me. I don't know if it's a good thing that I don't remember it...but honestly never again. I was miserable ALL DAY friday, i couldn't eat or really move for most of the day. I've just been taking it easy these past few days and not really doing much at all. I just need to make it through this week and then I'm home. That's all I can think about right now.

I've been thinking alot about my future lately. I don't know exactly what I want to do but i just know that being here in SC is not in my future. This type of school and education isn't for me. I'm more into the creative side of things and in a sense more fun things. I'm looking into maybe going to FIDM next year. That would be alot of fun and I think that kind of stuff is very interesting. I'm just looking forward to living in L.A. next year and still being with my best friend. Soo glad that we're going through this together, even though I know that this is wayy harder for her. I know it's gonna be alright in the end though. Being in LA will probably be a good thing for both of us. I'll be closer to my boy and she will be to hers as well. Andd we'll probably end up getting an appartment together!! Sounds like good times to me!

But anyways, I have to make it through these next 2 quarters before that and i feel like these classes are gonna kick my ass! Not looking too good to me..I guess we'll just see how things go. Also, I'm starting to really like my bangs now haha, unitl next time! Ciao!

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