
There's So Much Sun Where I'm From, I Had To Give It Away...

I'm a definite believer that everything happens for a reason and that there are no coincidences in life. These past few nights have definetly proven that to me as well. Things have recently turned around for me but in a good way? At least i hope so. I kept my word and didn't initiate anything, he did it on his own. He actually apologized for being an asshole over break. THANK YOU! He's also been talking to me alot more recently, which is surprising but good and I like it. I guess this kind of means that I'm giving him another chance in a way. I think that he finally realized what a douche he was being and maybe change his ways. The only thing is that i have no idea when I'm going to see him again..which pretty much sucks but it's his fault.

On a happier note, I'm going home in 12 days! How exciting! I honestly love LA too much. There's nothing to do here in SC. Pretty much all i do is hang out with Kate and eat. NOTHING TO DO. Oh, and I finally got a fisheye camera! Sooo excited to start using it! And recently I've been taking alot of pictures with my digital rebel and I think i got Kate hooked on it haha. I love it though. I only have class 2 days a week this quarter. It's amazing cause I pretty much don't do anything all week, which might be a bad thing but now I can start working out more! Right? Right. I also am a soon to be owner of a Blackberry World Edition. Ahhhh! Yessss!

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