
Hi Friend!

So school has started and it's in full effect. It's been a good time so far and the work is a lot kind of but enjoyable. Have had some good nights and some not so good nights, but this quarter is looking to be quite the adventure. I'm a little confused but honestly choose not to even think about it and just let things happen. I'm leaving soon anyways so no need to stress about things. My living situation is great but lonely sometimes. It's all good though. Lovefest was yesterday, or should say lovevolution. It was so much fun, we got there early and didn't even have to pay the 1o dollars! Pretty sweet. Saw deadmau5 and was right in front, wayy sweet! And on the drive home we stopped at in n out, mmm. Got back and watched detroit rock city with dave and went to bed. Today's been a homework day and I actually signed up to be in a soccer league with people from the ILC. Sounds like a lot of fun, I'm really excited actually. Well I should try and finish my spanish homework now, adieu!

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