
i'm dreamin' in the morning, dreamin' all through the night.

So june is coming to an end. h came down to visit cause he was gonna be in the area. we had lunch and went to venice beach and just hung out at my house. lakers lost that night haha. then two days later he came to pick me up! he took me to his part of town and we went to eat and watched pirates of the caribbean and beowulf. i was seeing him way more than i thought i would be. sister graduated and we had our grad/bday party. also went to kates later that night for her bros grad party. a was there but i hardly talked to him. i had my birthday as well . i saw most of the people i wanted to see on it. Had my pool day with kate, hung out with a for a bit before driving to the east side to see h. we watched star wars haha and i had some pasta that he had made. i wanted to stay and finish watching it but i couldn't. spending time with him is always so great. went back the next night for a little get together at h's and met some of his friends and his ex. saw aris! anyways that morning we had decided to end things for now and stop being together cause it would just get harder to end it later in the summer, even though its hard already. that was our last night together. it was a good end, but i don't think it is the end. i care about him a lot. i also told aaron about everything, he knows about h and stuff. he got kinda upset and i could tell he didn't like it. so we will see how that goes. still looking for a job haha. no luck yetttt. i miss everyone from sc a lot also. next year our appartment is gonna be sweeeet, cant waitt!

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