
where is my mind?

Didnt write all of july, im getting kinda bad at this haha. recap.
JULY fourth of july was a ton of fun! went to dockwieler and was there allll dayyy. got super dark haha and did beachy things. nest day was kates fam picnic. played some volleyball and chilled. i was super sore from the beach though. we played soccer in the sand, suchhh a workout! so then h,w, and a came down to venice and we chilled over there. good times. i finally found a job at this point. at this new store at the mall called j'adore pink. its a cute store and its pretty chill. was home alone for about a week. mom and sis were in chicago and dad was in colombia, while i was here just at home! it was chill though. saw h, no control. some family things happened, cousin got hurt surfing and my gpa passed away. saw batman with h. just friends. went up north to see fam and go to the funeral. love my family so much, theyre the best. when i got back went on a little road trip to san diego for my roomies bday, as well as grants! soo much fun! slip up again with h. no control! haha

AUGUST so things have been back and forth. we try and be just friends and it never works out. we tried once more after the party. no go. once more after the next slip up..no go. saw pineapple express and chilled at his house after. met his mom finally. ate dinner with them. so after that night we pretty much decided to give up. i went over there again on friday and chilled at aris' parents office. there was soo much paper everywhere it was chill. paper fights and just good times. im so glad that ive been seeing sc people so much this summer. kate has been mia a lot. or maybe its just that we both have boys so we wanna spend time with them but she is consumed by him. i hate to say it but he is like her life. i feel like i never spend time with her like we used to. he is always somehow involved. i know i sound like a jealous friend and i kinda am. haha not that i dont like her bf. i really like him but she doesnt have to be with him alllll the time. theres gotta be best friend time too! now i see why friendships suffer when there is a boyfriend involved..hopefully things work out though.

so lately i've been trying to convice m parents to let me get a macbook pro but i might have to settle for a macbook. i feel like i have a chance this time, i just have to give a valid argument. i mean, they got my sister one! wtf, completely not fair. i will not fail. i will get one somehow. even if i gotta save up my own money and buy it myself. in the process of reading breaking dawn, i just dont want it to be over so i am taking my time, haha. its getting good though! ooh and i've been slowly but surely improving on the guitar. i;m so proud of myself that i'm actually sticking with this. it's a lot of fun and i love playing it and learning new songs! i just need to stick with it. my fingers are calloused and gross but hey i really could care less haha. i just booked my trip to visit my sister in chicago in september. im gonna be there for 6 days. pretty stoked to see what its like there. hmm and i got my housing stuff today, i move in on the 20th of september. pretty stoked to be going back and resume the good times all day, everyday!

until next time, ciao!